Soul Mates and Twin Flames grow out of a Spiritual quest. Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love are a mirror of the journey.
All parties are deeply spiritual. There wouldn't be any point in reuniting, if they did not come home to their own soul, and the infinite.
Taken from one of my reviews but so true, Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Most Eternal Love are spiritual connections that extend far beyond the lives we lead in the present.
To partner with a Soul Mate/ Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love is to recognize, mirror, and share our Immortal Spiritual essence with each other. Soul Mates/ The Deep Most Profound Eternal Love are sacred but esoteric connections, and not your mainstream ordinary relationships.
In an ordinary Karmic traditional social relationship, we are connecting to values from our personality. We may come from the same family background and maybe live in the same area. When we form an ordinary relationship, it feels like home and familiar to our personality.
What are Soul Mates and Twin Flames?
Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connections, a
“WOW” to our immortal part of us.
The immortal part? “Yes”
Our personality has no idea what Soul Mates and Twin Flames are. However, when we meet a Soul Mate very rare, or Twin Flame extremely rare, our immortal soul recognizes their soul and vice versa. The connection is a deep and profound gift. Soul Mates/ The Deep Most Profound Eternal Love are mates to your Soul.
Is Your Ego Ready For A Soul Mate/the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love Relationship?
Soul Mate and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love connections are the deepest relationship we can have with another. I want to make one very crucial point: we complete us, all our issues must to be brought out into the open. We make ourselves whole. To be able to mate with our Soul Mates/Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love takes deep devotion to our self.
To cross paths and be in a relationship with Soul Mates or the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love, Requires Dedication to understanding Yourself at a Deep Level, Requires Spiritual understanding, Requires Psychological understanding, Requires Transcending Your Karma.
What is the difference between a Soul Mate vs. the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love?
Your Soul Mates are deeply connected to your Soul, and your Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love. The Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love are two sides of the same Soul. But nonetheless all are connected to your Soul Group.
We have more than one Soul Mate, and have spent many lifetimes and beyond with some of them. But the soul itself is the ultimate Soul Mate- our Soul’s counterpart and it is said, we only met them 12 times in the course of our lifetimes. But, now in our evolution we are ready to consciously stand side by side with our Soul Mates and Twin Souls!
Both Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love are direct experiences with your Soul to their Soul, and connected with the Beloved Transcendent Nameless Force of the Universe-The Energy of all Energies- No Ordinary Love.
Did you ever stop to wonder: is your personality all there is of you?
Do you ever wonder about the soul?
What survives when we die?
Does this thing called the soul go to heaven?
Or that’s it, lights out… Goodbye.
If the soul survives, do we come back?
Remembering our soul is being spiritual. How fabulous would it be, not just to remember our own soul, but to recognize the souls who were with us, from the beginning of creation. Souls, our soul are entangled with - this is the spiritual and true definition of Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love.
How serious are you about your deepest most-profound eternal love?
Our Ego Rational Intellectual Mind is Not The Soul.
To be able to recognize your Soul Mates/Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love, you are experiencing life on a very high spiritual level. They are a piece of Heaven on Earth...Now that is astronomical!
Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love are connections to the direct experience of your Soul!
"Words are a Pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words."-Rumi
There is a difference between Outwardly knowing about Soul Mates and The Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love vs. Inwardly Recognizing Souls You've Loved Beyond Time and Space, via an Unspoken Bond.

Chris and Serena psychically sense their exalted bond, through the sweet whispers of their soul.
Click for the Authentic Soul Mate Experience.

Taken From Twin Souls: A Guide to finding Your True Spiritual Partner
In this new era of the Twin Flames phenomenon, the collective has lost sight of the bigger picture. I get it, the deepest most-profound eternal love known as Twin Flames is alluring but it is not a given, it is earned. Too many people are the "Gurus" but they are not initiated. They read something online, (and what’s online is the bastardized version), and boom...they consider themselves the experts. And not only that, people are just making up their own terminology!
Collectively, we have not yet experienced a true soul mate connection, let alone the ultimate soul mate. We must see the whole soul group picture, not just one soul but of the group. Soul Mates are part of your soul, and your Twin Flame, not some distant cousin like karmic relationships.
Dr. Brian Weiss excellently describes soul mates as, “I like to think of soul relationships as similar to a large tree with a thousand leaves on it. Those leaves that are on your twig are intimately close to you. You may even share experiences, among yourselves. There may be three, four or five leaves on your twig. You are also highly and closely related to the leaves on the branch next to yours. They share a common limb. They are close to you , but not as close as the leaves on your own twig, Similarly, as you extend farther out along the tree, you are still related to these other leaves, but not as closely as those in your immediate proximity. You are all part of one tree and one trunk. You can share experiences, you know each other. But, those on your own twig are the closest.” I like to add the leaf itself, is the Twin Flame but all are connected.
"The groups separate into ever smaller units. As the groups separate, each of them is endowed with it's own characteristics. The smaller the groups, the more closely the souls within them cohere. They memorize one another, the longer the association, the more indelible will be the memory. By this memory they will find their way back to one another in the time of ascent." Twin Souls: A Guide to Finding Your True Spiritual Partner
Your Soul Mates are deeply connected to your Soul, and your deepest most profound eternal love. The Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love are two sides of the same Soul. But nonetheless all are connected to your Soul Group. This esoteric understanding can certainly coincide with Quantum Physics.
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance.